Privacy policy - Mobile app's

EG A/S is committed to protecting your privacy and the Skovhuus mobile app is designed to be used as a "window" to some essential features and data in the server-based Skovhuus system hosted in customer environments, located on premise at EG A/S, customers operate the Skovhuus software.

Any access to Skovhuus mobile app is controlled by authentications and authorizations built into the Skovhuus software to make a parallel administration of user access in the Skovhuus mobile app solution compared to the basis Skovhuus Windows client access.

Skovhuus mobile app is designed for professionals as an add-on access compared to the main Skovhuus a PC Windows access, we do not collect any other personal information compared to the laptop version.

Furthermore Skovhuus mobile apps do not add any other use or sharing of personal information than the laptop version – only being a transparent frontend to the Skovhuus software backend.

More information

You are always welcome to contact us. You can find phone numbers and addresses of our offices on our corporate site.


At EG, we do our utmost to provide you with exactly the help you need. We are ready to support you quickly and efficiently so you do not lose valuable time.

About - EG A/S

We work with our customers to anchor digital transformation.

Let's go further.