How do I logon to Alpi App?
Type your users id and password, and you are logged on.

How much does it cost?
Alpi App is Free. But you may have to pay for data traffic - check prices with your telephone operator.

Is Alpi secure?
Alpi App is secure to use, but there are some precautions, which are good to follow: It is important that you never show your password to others - or leave your mobile unattended while you are logged in. If you suspect that your code has been captured or intercepted, contact your IT administrator.

How do I sign out?
If you leave Alpi, then you will be automatically logged out.

Can Alpi be used with iPad?
Yes, you can use Alpi with iPad.

How do I change the language in the app?
You change the language under settings on your mobile telephone - you cannot change the language within the App. If your mobile phone language is set to English or Danish, then your app will be in English or Danish. If your phone is set to any other language, then Alpi App is in English

If you have more questions?
Contact your EG Hotline.